The future doesn't just happen. We're all building it.
- MISSIONEmpower new generations to build the futurewe all would like to live in through entrepreneurship.Startups documentaries
Telling stories of startup founders and ecosystem builders worldwide
We traveled to some of the most exciting startup ecosystems in Europe and Silicon Valley interviewing 80+ founders, investors and change makers. We shared those stories with the world by publishing our startups documentaries on our YouTube Channel. Learn more
Making startup hubs more accessibleEnabling founders to build their company in a supportive environment
While recording our documentary, we met with many startups, investors and ecosystem supporters. We love connecting people and sharing information so entrepreneurs can build their companies in a supportive and dynamic environment. Jump in
Young talents building a better futureInspiring young generations to start game-changing companies
We're excited to feature some of the brightest insights straight from the successful founders and investors of today to the hands of the new generations. We hope to inspire the youth to take smart action and tackle the world's biggest challenges of tomorrow. Inspire me!
- STARTUPS DOCUMENTARIESWe filmed 80+ interviews in 7 countries across Europe and California.Watch our documentaries for free on YouTube!
- May 5, 2015June 20, 2014June 5, 2014
- OUR MANIFESTOWe created Ympact to inspire young people to start building a better future by having a positive and lasting impact on our global society.
- MEET OUR TEAMWe are 4 friends, supported by a number of amazing collaboratorsMichele D'AliessiCo-founderStartup explorer, business developer, tech lover, world traveler.Fabrizio CecioniFilm crewFilm director, cameraman, photographer, brand creator, coffee drinker.Alessandro PolisenoFilm crewFilm director, audio and soundtracks, art director, popcorn eater.
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